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  • Directly participates in the photosynthesis & is in favor of stomatal opening activity.                                           Improves rate of absorption of applied fertilizers thereby rapidly corrects nutrients deficiency.                  Improves roots development, flower induction, fruit set, fruit development, tastes of fruits and overall yield.         Helps plant to endure environ-mental stresses & to resist insect and disease attack.


ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS : Plantonics is non toxic, 100% natural organic compound and is key part of the organic farming. 

 Plantonics influences numerous enzymatic process & stimulates the plants immune system. The application of Plantonics before, during and after the stress conditions supplies the plants with amino acids which are directly related to stress physiology and thus has a preventing and recoverin effect. Plantonics increases the pollen germination & the length of pollinic tube.                                     Plantonics contains growth factors that stablize the cell walls of the microbial flora.Plantonics acts as a cytoplasm osmotic agent of the guard cells. The favoring the opening of the stomas in plants. Plantonics help to increase chlorophyll concentration in the plant leading to higher degree of photosynthesis.

Plantonics contains protein hydro-lyzed 17 free L-Amino acids derived from naturally available organic substances of plant origin.

SALIENT FEATURES : Completely water soluble and highly bio available amino acids in optimize ratio. Effective chelating agent and precursor for activation of phytoh-ormone. Free from sodium and chlorides.Plantonics is non toxic, 100% natural organic compound and is key part of the organic farming.

Application Ratio :  0.5 to 1 grm/1  Soil Application: 500gm/Acer

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