ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS : Fungi Kill-is a broad spectrum fungal, bacterial & viral Disease Proctor It is a research based miliation derived from natural ingredients highly effective against broad spectrum fungal, Bacterial & viral Disease Proctor derived from high analysis natural inputs. Fungi Kill has got preventive and curative action over a wide range of plant pathogenic attacks. mode of action Fungi Kill suppresses high spores germination and reproduction of bacterial species. Fungi Killapplication activates plants natural defense system and increase SAR (systematic acquired resistance) of the plant which helps guard plant against various pathogenic during sensitive climatic changes. Fungi Kill is effective against a number of pathogenic attacks on plants namely. Downy Mildews, Bacterial infestations, Early Blight, Late Blight Rust Wilts, Leaf spot Fruit spot Fruit rot, Stem rot Damping off Scabs. Cankers, Anthracnose, Xantamonas, etc.Fungi Kill can be applied for crops of cotton, Tea, Coffee, Tomato, Chimes, Bitter Gourd, Cucumber & sit vine family vegetables & crops, fruits, strawberries, Flowers, Onion, Garlic.Potatoes. & all tuber group crop etc.
Application Ratio : Dissolve 5 gram in 1 Ltr. of water and to be coated on seed. Dissolve 15 to 25 gram 15-20 Ltr. of water. Drenching : 1.5 to 2.5 gram per Liter of water.
Note: This Product is exclusively to be used for agricultural purpose only, hence it is Strongly mentioned not to be used as human and animal feed purpose.
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