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Jupiter Corona

Jupiter Corona



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ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS : CARONA is a product based on Advanced Bio-Technology research containing highly specialized bio-derivatives in the appropriate scientific concentration which gives the excellent action for the larval pest management in the all agricultural crops. Use of CARONA will lead to kill all hazardous larval insect-pest particularly spodoptera, Heliothis, spotted Boll Worm, Pink Boll Worm, Brinjal leaf-miner larva very effectively darmaging to all agricultural crops for very longer duration Use of CARONA will lead to make plant internally of such type so that re attack of pests will not be able to develop resistance against attack.

 SUITABLE FOR ALL CROPS : All agricultural corps like Cotton, Groundnut, Til, Soyabean, Sunflower, Tur, Gram, Mustard, Cumin, Coriander, Fennel, Sugarcane, Tobacco, Tea, Coffee. all vegetable crops like Chillies, Tomato, Bhindi, Bringle, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onion, Garlic, Potato, Turmeric, Ginger, all fruit crops etc.

  Application Ratio : 20 ml per 15 Litre spray volume 200 ml per acre crop area covering entire leaf surface effectively.

Note : Since the use and handing of the product is beyond our control, do not assume any responsibility other than the uniform quality of the product. Use of this product is beyond the control of manufacturer hence it assumes no liability related to its usage.

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