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Agro Gold

Agro Gold



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 • Promoting cell division & cell elongation.
 • Impating stress resistance under adverse environmental condition.
 • Increasing photosynthesis & translocation of assimilates to economic plant part.
 • Increasing the levels of enzymes responsible for synthesis of nucleic acid.protein & sugar.
 • Inducing flowering & increasing fruits set, fruit growth, weight,size,shape & also increasing taste, colour, favor.


ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS : AGOGOLD a new generation plant growth promoter. It's ingredients which is a natural substance with profound plant growth promoting activity 4 magic improves the physiological & biochemical process involved in crop growth & development.

Application Ratio : For  Spraying : 0.3ml to 0.5ml/Ltr of water.                                                                                           For Drop: 60ml to 120ml per Acre For Dipping 0.50 to 0.75ml /Ltr of water.

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